Wednesday, June 5, 2013

My Wormologists

We started learning about worms today!  A few weeks ago, I checked out just about every work book the Winona library had.  They were crawling with worm info, and fun experiment ideas.  My favorite book, Wormology, started off with a definition of 'wormologist.'  I told Julia and Claire that a wormologist is a person who studies and cares about worms.  They both agreed that even though they are a little afraid of worms, they do care about them, and want to learn more about them.  We took an idea from the book to make a worm palace.  Julia and Claire prefer to call theirs a worm castle!  I think Julia was picturing a pink, sparkly castle, fit for a princess.  Here is the face she made when I told her our jar of dirt and rotting grass and leaves was our worm castle. 

To make a worm castle, all you need is a clean, clear jar.  Fill it one-third full with damp, but not soggy soil.  Then add one inch of sand, and top it off with more soil.  Because worms like to eat rotting leaves and stuff, put a good bunch of dead leaves at the top of the jar.  Then, go look for your royal worms!  We had the best luck finding ours underneath our flower pots on the driveway. It was a rainy day so we didn't have to dig for them.
Our worm castle.                                                                           The wormologists watching
                                                                                                       their first worm. 
Our first worm checking out it's new castle.
 Julia lifting up a pot to check for more worms.
Once you have your worms in the castle, you put a black sock over the jar because they like it dark.  Julia named our first, and biggest worm, Simus.  Claire named our second, medium-sized worm, Selke.  And Julia named the smallest one Salsy.  Interesting that they chose all s-names!  Tomorrow we will take the sock off and check for burrows (worm tunnels) and castings (worm poop!).

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Julia's last day of preschool

Today was Julia's last day of preschool.  In September she started going to the Community Kids Preschool at Goodview Elementary School.  She has loved it from day one, and has really learned and grown a lot from the experience.  We do preschool things at home, but because of Julia's strong and stubborn personality, we thought she would benefit from having to listen to, and take direction from, other adults.  She made a lot of friends this school year, and loves her teachers.  We stuck around after everyone left today to get a picture of her with her teachers.  Her lead teacher, Marsha, told me that Julia told her she will continue to learn and do school things over the summer.  And then she told her teacher, "My mom teaches me everything. I didn't learn anything at preschool."  Aaah!  The things kids say (especially Julia!!!).  Her teacher was smiling about the comment, though, and I made sure her teacher knew that Julia really DID learn a lot this year.  Actually, Julia never liked me to help her with letters or numbers until she started going to preschool.  A couple weeks after she started going she started asking me how to spell things so she could write words.  And now she is always open to the activities I plan for her and Claire to work on at home.  This year she went on Tuesday and Thursday, from 8:15-10:45, and next year she will be in the same classroom, but will go Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning.  I'm excited to have her all to myself again for the summer!  The first thing we are going to study and learn about this summer is....WORMS!!!!!

Here is a picture I took of Julia on her first day of school, and the one I took today of her with her teachers.  She has grown so much! 
 Marsha, Tina, Julia, and Nancy.  Julia's other teacher's name is Robyn, and she is the teacher who always plays her guitar and sings, but she wasn't at school today.  Next year Julia will be in this same classroom, with the same great teachers!
After school I took the kids to Culver's to celebrate Julia's last day.  Jeremy even came from work to have lunch with us!